In this novel, Leon Uris unfolds, with all the dramatic power that has made his books world-famous, a compelling tale that his vivid imagination has conjured up with Queen’s Bench Courtroom Number VII of the London Law Courts as its principal background.
Libel was the cause. A distinguished doctor suing a successful author who had defamed him in his novel. But the real issue was the duty of man to man, and where the line can be drawn beyond which no one can, for any reason, pass.
This issue is at the core of a sweeping narrative that, as it moves from Poland and Italy to the Crown Colony of Sarawak in Borneo, to Norfolk, Virginia in the first part of the century, to the Battle of Britain, to the international set’s playground on the Costa del Sol, reverberates with the heights and depths of human behavior in the twentieth century.
QB VII by Leon Uris is a dramatic courtroom novel.